Thursday, 29 August 2013

Bet on it

Just don't know why this song is really 'Me'

Everybody's always talking at me
Everybody's trying to get in my head
I wanna listen to my own heart talking
I need to count on myself instead

Did you ever
Lose yourself to get what you want?
Did you ever
Get on a ride, then wanna get off?

Did you ever push away the ones
You should've held close?
Did you ever let go?
Did you ever not know?

I'm not gonna stop, that's who I am
I'll give it all I got, that is my plan
Will I find what I lost? You know you can
Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it
(Bet on me)

I wanna make it right, that is the way
To turn my life around, today is the day
Am I the type of guy who means what I say?
Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it

How will I know if there's a path worth taking?
Should I question every move I make?
With all Ive lost, my heart is breaking
I don't wanna make the same mistake

Did you ever
Doubt your dream will ever come true?
Did you ever
Blame the world and never blame you?

I will never
Try to live a lie again
I don't wanna win this game
If I can't play it my way

I'm not gonna stop, that's who I am
(Who I am)
I'll give it all I got, that is my plan
(That's my plan)

Will I find what I lost? You know you can
(You know you can)
Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it
(Bet on me)

I wanna make it right, that is the way
To turn my life around, today is the day
Am I the type of guy who means what I say?
Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it

Hold up, give me room to think
Bring it on down
Gotta work on my swing
Gotta do my own thing, hold up

It's no good at all to see yourself
And not recognize your face
Out on my own, it's such a scary place
The answers are all inside of me
All I gotta do is believe

I'm not gonna stop
Not gonna stop 'til I get my shot
That's who I am, that is my plan
Will I end up on top?

You can bet on it, bet on it
Bet on it, bet on it
You can bet on it, bet on it
Bet on it, bet on it

I wanna make it right, that is the way
To turn my life around, today is the day
Am I the type of guy who means what I say?
Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it
(You can bet on me)

Monday, 8 July 2013

No Title Please...

Ga diterima sbmptn? biarin.. sbmptn doang.Dari awal emang santai banget.. dari snmptn juga santai
Padahal ngarep di Ekonomi Islam.. ngebayanginnya: Ketika orang2 nyari teori menurut para ahli gua menurut Rasulullah sama dari Al-qur'an.keren kan? apa menurut gua doang yaa -_- tapi mudah-mudahan aja diterima di Bisnis Islam

Tapi gua juga ngarep di manajemen.. kenapa? karena ayah gua S2 manajemen.klo mau nanya tinggal tlp atau ngga pas lagi tidur dibangunin cuma buat nanya tugas.. enak kan? iya emang.. sayangnya dia cuma mau gua di manajemen UI

Diterima di PNJ Adm.Bisnis itu... alhamdulillah sih,trus dapet kelas siang.aduhhh enak tuh paginya bisa ke kantor dulu ngurusin karyawan,sekertaris,sama dagangan abis itu baru deh kuliah.Ini lebih efektif sihh menurut gua,karena customer butuh ayamnya pagi-pagi dan supplier nawarnya juga pagi-pagi.trus kata ayah di sana banyak temen ayah,soalnya ayah lulusan D3 teknik elektro Politeknik UI/PNJ

Klo ibu maunya gua di Prasetya Mulya,itu isinya orang bisnis semua dan kayanya sih serius.tapi kata ayah 'jangan' kenapa? karena disitu isinya orang cina semua,sama aja kaya Ibii dan dia takut sama pergaulannya

Di satu sisi gua mikirin kerjaan kenapa harus kerja sama ibu? dagang ayam gitu,ga ada keren-kerennya tapi "Klo ga ada gua lo ga bisa makan ayam boss" dan kenapa gua ga kaya orang lain: kuliah dulu abis itu nyari kerja.. Jujur deh,ibu gua itu dulunya sama kaya gua.Orang tuanya punya bisnis ada 2.. bisnis ayam sama mainan,kecil sihh tapi cukup ko buat naik helikopter dari halim ke cirebon

Gua anaknya,yg udah di biayain makan sama sekolah masih aja digaji.. Ibu sama ayah udah deal klo gua digaji 1bulan 5jt klo udah kuliah
Transport? udah dikasih mobil sama motor,apalagi?
Tempat tinggal.. enak rumah sendiri
Jam kerjanya suka-suka gua.. yang penting selesai.Dan ini dampaknya klo gua udah nikah dan klo fix perusahaan ini punya gua: Lo punya anak,tapi anak lo juga keurus karena lo kerja pas anak lo sekolah dan lo pulang pas anak lo pulang sekolah.Trus sistem kerja lo Bukan: Berangkat ga ketemu matahari,pulang ga ketemu matahari.gua ngebayanginnya orang kantoran,klo guru mungkin ngga.. tapi masih punya jam kerja,berangkat jam 6pagi pulang jam 3sore
Rasulullah itu berdagang.. and keep it halal

Friday, 28 June 2013


Aduh.. aduh.. judulnya kontras ya? Tapi emang begitu.. dari smp saya itu sukanya aliran trance,hip,hop,rnb,house music,dan salah satu lagu kesukaan saya dulu: trus saya juga ngefans sama rihanna mulai dari thn 2007.O iya bisa dibilang saya ini dulunya rapper loh mas bro/mba sist.. saya pernah bekerja sama dengan grup rapper “Intermezo” tapi sekarang udah bubar.Yang pasti gaya hidup saya waktu itu ala hip-hop,maaf ya.. kayanya mendekatkan diri kepada Allah itu susah L

17 mei 2012 kakak saya (kakak ketemu gede) lagi ngechat bareng saya,waktu itu klo ga salah pas sebelum saya study tour ke tiba2 doi kirim link trus pikiran saya merespon “maher zain? Serius? Lo ngasih gua link lagu maher zain? Ngga salah kan?” akhirnya saya download deh lagu Ya Nabi Salam Alayka,karena saya iseng.. saya download lagu Insha Allah (English Version)

Study tour ke bali.. saya iseng2 dengerin lagunya mas bro yg udah saya download,saya dengerin itu selama di bis.Entah kenapa pikiran berkata “Ohh.. Maher zain itu RnB yaa,tapi islamic.enak juga” ya sudah.. setelah pulang dari bali saya membeli albumnya mas bro yg “Thank You Allah Platinum”.Beberapa minggu setelah dari bali,saya ke Singapore untuk liburan bareng keluarga.. dan LAGU-LAGU MAHER ZAIN overplayed=diputar berulang2 kebayang ngga? 1 hari cuma dengerin Ya Nabi sama Insha Allah berkali2?

Pulang dari Singapore saya memutuskan untuk join ke MZIFC dan kebetulan sedang ada promo album Forgive Me.Pada saat itu saya memutuskan untuk membeli  album Forgive Me dan klo ga salah ketika pemesanan saya bertanya kpd mas bro Sihabuddin “maaf.. klo mau gabung di MZIFC gimana ya?” “hanya like fanpage kami aja” selesai deh gabung di MZIFC dengan rasa bangga :’)

Konser Forgive Me!! Alhamdulillah saya dapet tiket dan diizinkan sama orang tua,walaupun pada saat itu saya gagal memenangkan kompetisi Meet and Greet :’( Congrats yaa buat yg menang..
Pulang dari konser saya memutuskan untuk berPINDAH aliran J Pada akhirnya saya mendapatkan komentar yg banyak “eka suka maherzain? hahaha dari rapper trus pindah ke maher zain,jgn boong hahahhaa” “Rihanna mana?? Sekarang jadi Maher Zain nih?? Wah 360derajat berubahnya” O iya ga cuma pindah aliran musik,tapi pindah gaya hidup juga.. Alhamdulillah banget deh ceritanya hehe :D

Kak Chaery.. I Owe You Something That I Can’t Pay

Alhamdulillah.. Thank You Allah..

Wednesday, 19 December 2012


Look into my eyes
And see what’s inside of me
Girl I believe you’re right for me
The one for me
I feel like you and me a meant to be
When I’m with you
It feels so right
And it’s all so nice
Uuhh.. Girl  you’re so fine

I fall for you
Yes I never thought that I would do
I can tell you about the same this piece that I
have inside
You fill me up, you blow my mind
I sing for you
I love the way you smile the way you do
I’m a hundred percent convince it’s obvious spend the
From the moment you closed my eyes

Whatever you want Imma give it to you
Whatever you need I ‘ll get it for you
Only thing that I asked you return
Cause you’ll be injured to me
And i hold you tight and never let go
Saying i love you so, looking your eyes
Reflects what’s inside, cause that’s how will I know

If you have blonde, black, brown hair
I don’t care
When you have a thing is OK.
if you have a love in the air
When you have a love everywhere.
How can someone just like you
Be so… so cool… to me yeahh oohh..
Give me give me some attention
Whatever you do
Gives me inspiration
A lot of words to say.. ay..
Don’t ever think I’ll make you slip away

Cause I fall for you
yes I never thought that I would do
I can tell you about the same this piece that i
have inside
You fill me up, you blow my mind
I sing for you
I love the way you smile the way you do
I’m a hundred percent convince it’s obvious spend the
From the moment you closed my eyes

Whatever you want Imma give it to you
Whatever you need I ‘ll get it for you
Only thing that I asked you return
Cause you’ll be injured to me
And i hold you tight and never let go
saying i love you so..
Looking your eyes
Reflects what’s inside cause that’s how will I know

Whatever you want Imma give it to you
Whatever you need I ‘ll get it for you
Only thing that I asked you return
Cause you’ll be injured to me
And i hold you tight and never let go
saying i love you so..
Looking your eyes
Reflects what’s inside cause that’s how will I know

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Maher Zain 'Forgive Me' Concert

Alhamdulillah Thank You Allah!!!!! 

Insya Allah WILL BE HELD ON OCT 7th at 7pm in JAKARTA,Istora Senayan

Price List:

Cat 1 (Platinum) : Rp.1.500.000
Cat 2 (Gold): Rp.1.200.000
Cat 3 (Silver): Rp.1.000.000
Cat 4 (Bronze): Rp.500.000
Cat 5 (Tribun): Rp.350.00

And alhamdulillah I GOT THE GOLD one

Monday, 13 August 2012

Maher Zain

Hari ini mau bahas soal si bro Maher,check it out!

Sejarahnya yaaa gua dulu ga suka sama Maher Zain,sukanya sama Trance Hip-hop RnB dan gua malah suka ngeledekin temen "Cieee insya allah" soalnya dulu famous-nya lagu itu.Soalnya yg gua tau versi bahasa Indonesia,kurang gimana gitu kan.
Juni 2012 gua lagi browsing tuh ceritanya sambil chat sama kak cherry,eh dia nyuruh gua buka link dari dia.Dan itu link videoclip Maher Zain yg Ya Nabi Salam Alayka,iseng-iseng gua download tuh,eh pas di Bali lagu itu ke play terus.Lama-lama gua dengerin terus di bus,trus gua download Insya Allah deh tuh tapi yg versi Bahasa Inggris.Makin gua dengerin lahh lagunya,akhirnya gua download aja lagu-lagunya Maher yg banyak hahaha LOL.
Pulang dari Bali ibu gua beli cd albumnya dia yg Thank You Allah Platinum Edition,di play terus di mobil gua.Mulai dari situ gua suka terus gua teliti lagu-lagunya,dan gua sama 1 lagu di cd itu judulnya "Open Your Eyes".
Juli 2012 gua memutuskan untuk join di MZIFC a.k.a Maher Zain Indonesia Fans Club,dan admin-adminnya aktif.Suka ngadain gathering sama anggota-anggotanya,ngasih info di fan page,bikin website dsb
Now Agustus 2012 gua baru aja dikirimin cd albumnya si bro yg Forgive Me.Gua beli di mzifc,biar dapet poster sama sticker haha.Keren banget lahhh

Saturday, 11 August 2012


Had A Great Holiday this year,Alhamdulillah Thank You Allah

I went to Bali for the 2nd time and Jogja with my school friends,Got a Championship in University Of Jakarta,and the last to Singapore!! It's great isn't it??

You know the defferences between go somewhere with your friends and your family.Which is the great one? Friends right? But if you go somewhere with your parents,i bet you'll buy anything you want without concern about the Money

I went to Bali by BUS,and it was taking us so long.But when you arrived that's paid by the scenes of Bali Island.Jogja?? Amazing i had never been there before,but we just spent 1 day at Jogja.Need to go there for the 2nd time Insya Allah

UNJ Pencak Silat Championship??? I was so confused that time.Between join the championship and went to Singapore,but i choose went to Singapore instead.Thank you kak Cherry for your support & suggest